Brian Dunn, Director of Marketing of Western Southern Life Insurance was the keynote speaker at a lunch I attended. He spoke about achieving lifelong success in the workplace. Although, I had long believed in the concepts, he was able put the ideas into words. I have taken some of what he said about understanding yourself and achieving a successful career, put them in my own words, and modified them to fit my own life philosophy.

  1. Understand what really motivates you. (more money, free time, paid time off, etc).
  2. Be prepared to do hard work. (working long hours without immediate payback).
  3. Know what your good at. (and what are your weaknesses). Ask for help when necessary.
  4. Volunteer for more responsibility. (Even if you don’t know anything about the topic).
  5. Learn as much as you can from other people (this will shorten the learning curve of new tasks).
  6. Select a good mentor. (Someone to give good CAREER advice). (A boss or older co-worker).
  7. Learn how to think (You need to be able to problem solve on your own).
  8. Be really good at execution. (Be able to actually get things done and not just talk about it).
  9. Have personal integrity. (Do NOT lie, cheat, or steal. It will always hurt you in the long term). Can People trust you?
  10. Relax. (This is your life, you will always make some money).

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