Generic Outline for Writing a Policy or Procedure

Initial Thoughts

Polices are global in nature. All company employee’s are expect to follow the guidelines. Examples of polices include: the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work. These a often generic guidelines that all employees must adhere to. On the other hand, procedures are typically at the department or team level. They are a step-by-step guide book. Many departments will have multiple Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a wide variety of topics.

When writing either, they follow a general outline. Here is some generic language to get you started.

General Outline

1. Purpose – Define the purpose of the policy.

2. Requirements – Why is this required? What standards are to be followed? PCI data security standard (PCI DSS)? What other Legal or regulatory rules apply?

3. Definitions – Define any terms or definitions used in the document.

4. Process & Procedure – Typically a flow chart. Also, what data is to be evaluated (input), what results are expected (output). Any records created? Reports?

5. Role Responsibilities – Who is to do what? Who is to use this procedure?

7. Communication, Exceptions, & Sanctions – Who is exempt from following the policy? Who should they contact to get an exemption? What is the penalty if it is not followed? Who is this procedure written for? All employee’s ?

8. Document Control – Who is the owner of the document, how often is it reviewed (annually?), Revision history chart, .

9. Appendix – A written copy of the PCI standards that the document references. A URL or other.

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