My uncle Harry was a civil engineer living in Columbus, OH and was building a bridge in West Virginia. Early every morning he picked up his employees and made the long trip down to work. He was the only one left who had a drivers license. Everyone else had lost them to DUI’s.

One day, he got pulled over by the cops for speeding. My uncle explained his situation but the cop gave him a ticket anyway. Upset, he made a comment that it didn’t really matter because the cops can’t really win. You see, theoretically the chances were actually in HIS favor, because there were far more cars speeding than cops could catch at any one time. After a long shift, they headed home. On the way, they got pulled over again. It was the EXACT same cop and he gave him another ticket. The cop told my uncle, Harry, let me explain this to you because you don’t seem to understand. We are not just THEORECTICALLY winning but we are ACTUALLY winning.

My uncle got back in his car and told his employees If I get one more speeding ticket, we’re all screwed.

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